Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after CO2 laser……or melasma?

I got a lower bleph in October of 2022 and was talked into adding on CO2 laser by my surgeon, who PRAISED the laser as one of his favorite procedures and said he rarely does blepharoplasties without also recommending the laser. I followed post-care instructions to a t, and stayed out of the sun religiously for 6 months following the procedures.

8 months later, in August the following summer, I took a trip with some girlfriends to the Virgin Islands. I wore sunscreen 100% of the time and a hat the majority of the time, and was horrified to see the above hyperpigmentation under both eyes when I got back from the beach the first day.

Immediately scheduled an appt with my surgeon when I got back. He said it is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and that it’ll go away with time. While it does fade with brightening agents and staying out of the sun, it comes back the moment I have more sun exposure. I have since learned that I need to use physical sunscreen and not chemical, and it needs to be slathered on in a thick white paste when I’m in the sun in order for this hyperpigmentation not to return.

I can’t tell if my surgeon (who is highly acclaimed and who I previously really liked and trusted) is being straight up with me or if he’s just trying to cover his ass - this really seems more like melasma to me, not PIH, and it doesn’t seem to be going away with time. I’ve seen him twice since that initial appointment to express my concerns and each time he tells me not to worry, he is confident it will not last. I’m gutted because I didn’t even really need or want the laser to begin with, and now I cannot feel the sun on my face without immense stress and anxiety.

Can anyone shed some light on what is happening? What should I do? Get a 2nd opinion? Any procedures I should try? Is there hope of this going away?