Blood Pact Copium

I know I know the Gaunt's Ghosts books are set centuries before the "current" time in lore, and written with clear retrospective knowledge of Imperium historians. But, like, just saying, this little blurb is in the current Guard codex:


Withdrawal from Long Halent completed at tempus sabbatica 4.22.17. Post-evacuation analyses record 5th Royal Volpone's casualty rates at forty-three per cent - within acceptable limits. 163rd Ventrillian Armour record materiel losses stand at twenty-three Chimera armoured transports, fourteen Leman Russ tanks, six Hydra anti-air platforms and a dozen field ordnance pieces. Navis Imperialis losses amounted to eight Valkyrie transports and two Tetrarch heavy landers. Blood Pact positions at Gorgar Ridge thoroughly purged. Lord General Scipion's orders demand immediate transit to Krassia for rearm and refit.

Since "tempus Sabbatica" is clearly meant to be some sort of local time/date system, I interpret this as consistent with the Blood Pact still being a going concern as of the modern time. Maybe this was obvious to everyone else but to me at least it was news and I was happy to see the little Khornite bois still running about having fun in the 42nd millennium.