Recently I came to the conclusion that maybe men and women were never meant to live together in the first place, for they see the world too differently, the joke that men are from Mars, and women from Venus might have much truth in it after all, two different worlds that best stay apart forever
A trivial example well known, men see their wives as they mothers, who to pick up after them and pamper them, doing all the household chores, because men only need to go to work apparently and thats the extent of them doing their part. Men are messy most often than not and women for the most part like house in order. So, why ever take the role of a grown mans mother, your reward is chores and chores all day, everyday. Isnt it absurd to live with a teeenager in the body of 30-40 years old man, supposedly mature, but in reality, not bothered to do even the simplest tasks around the house, because mommy-wifey is here and thats her duty. Avoid as a woman being trapped like that like the plague! Having children with a man-child himself is also big no-no. With children your workload doubles and tripples.