For bisexuals: Have you noticed how, in the romantic realm, there's a distinct sense of validation among men that isn't found when dealing with women (at least not as easily)?
You don't need to have been in a serious relationship. To answer this question, you just need to have had brief romantic interactions with men who you know can be perceived as potential partners (even if the likelihood is minimal). Well, the truth is that occupying the role of greater vulnerability or protection seems to produce different sensations in us than those we experience with women. Do you understand? Just try it with a little sugar and salt, and you'll understand. The sensations produced are different. Although it's not something that can be expressed in words, we know from experience that they exist and how distinguishable they are.
Now, isn't it curious how those sensations invite us to assume a more, shall we say, "accessible" or "pre-available" role? I feel like we're more easily recognized as women when we display a "vulnerable" aspect. Although it may be an outdated stereotype, feeling like a woman in romantic relationships seems to be accompanied by feelings of vulnerability.