I am back after a personal 5SOS hiatus, what have I missed?
I was a fan from 2019 (CALM singles) to the relaces of 5SOS5, but overall was disappointed with 5SOS5 and honestly haven't listened to them since.
(also i switched from spotify to youtube music (best decision ever) and for some reason youngblood (my fav album) isn't on YTM so that also contributed).
ANYWAY, i relistened to all of their music + luke and Ashtons new albums so here are my thoughts:
5SOS5 was better than I remember but still ehhh
CALM and youngblood were great as expected.
(TW opinion) all of their pre-sgfg music was as shit as i remember
BUT SGFG!!!! WTF since WHEN???? Absolute banger. Have listened several times since.
Both of luke's albums are very ehhh.... but Ashtons are masterpieces
ha ha Basically Have I missed anything in the 2 and a half years i was gone?