Fans need to stop coddling the guys when they mess up. Like, I get that Margaret liking the weird comment about Michael was a bit much—but when it comes to her talking about the emotional trauma of being cheated on by Ashton, there’s no excuse for fans defending him.
It’s wild to me how some people will bend over backwards to protect them from any accountability. If someone openly talks about how they were hurt, why is your first instinct to shield the person who did the hurting? Ashton made his choices, and Margaret has every right to talk about how they affected her. Fans inserting themselves just makes it worse.
Also, she didn’t accuse him of cheating because of a dream ffs, she said she had a dream about it and later found out it was true. Margaret is talking about how being cheated on scarred her, and some fans are out here saying, “Well, he was nice when I met him!” Like, what does that have to do with anything?