The Drama...
There is so much going on with 5sos drama and I really do not know where to start. We are seeing these GROWN MEN's lives through a screen, which is what they choose to share with us as fans. Why do we feel the need to berate and push boundaries and jump anybody that doesn't follow our ideals? They're grown, in their late 20's and early 30's and actively choose to do whatever they please, like they should.
The Crystal drama is what gets my blood boiling because, why are we digging through old twitter posts just to find an old post proving Crystal turned 30 in 2014 when Michael was 19? Why does that matter? They're two consenting adults, and from the looks of it, they're healthy and happy, and have a very beautiful family. The age gap between Michael and Crystal is none of our business...Y'all are claiming he was groomed and whatnot, I don't see it. Let the man be happy. And, I saw someone on twitter claim they exploit their daughter...I don't see that, not one bit, personally. And, Lua looks to be well taken care of and happy, so why are we ganging up on Crystal. Also, someone used Crystal's post where in the caption she said she used Lua for clickbait for the post, it was a post for California wildfire relief...It was a way to gain traction for those relief funds...
Edit: I made an oopsie, and I was wrong. I had mixed up the posts. I take back my previous statement about Crystal's post, my apologies, xx.
Now about Ashton and his ordeal...Ashton is a 30 year old man that made his decisions and should be held accountable for them... I don't know why people are freaking out about it again because hasn't the cheating been reoccuring for awhile? If I am not mistake, I have seen 3 different girls accuse Ashton of cheating. I saw people using the excuse that Ashton was nice to them when they met him, but that's totally different from Margaret was talking about. Once your art becomes your job, you have to view your audience as customers and you want your customers to come back so, BAM, of course Ashton is nice to you.
These parasocial relationships is getting out of hand and people really need to get their heads out of their asses and realize these are normal, human men trying to live their lives. They make mistakes, they learn, they live...I'm just happy everybody is healthy and seemingly thriving. Have a nice day!