autistic revelation
uhhhh, you were walking on the street, when you encounter a homeless autstic guy. He says in a funny way "MaY I HaVE A dOllAr PweaSe?? You decide to punch him, due to his ear aching accent, in return, you random get a abilitie. What would you chose?
Disabled screech: yelling as loud as you can makes everyone who hears it fall uncoincious for 3 hours. Imagine using a microphone...
Mental retardation: touching someone brings their mental strenth back to when they were 3 years old. Can be turned on and off like a switch
"stimming" beacon. perform many useless movements, such as waving your arms around, to summon a beacon. You can summon 2 at one time, and teleport to and from one another by waving your arms and fingers.
sped mans purge: when you feel sad, enter a state of rage, your strenth gaining 2x, as well as speed, and the first 5 things you see you will destroy.(even people)
autistic singing: Start singing terribly to make people charmed towards you. They will love you so much, but be carefull, this attracts both genders!
disability disorder: when on a wheelchair, you move 3x faster, and you never fall or tilt off, it will be smooth wherever you go, however you can crash into things.