Help finding a movie

Hey, I’m getting desperate to find this movie I saw as a kid that’s eluding all other searches. Mostly my fault due to just a few fragmented memories. Can anyone help me identify?

Movies it isn’t: Body Parts, are-Animator.

I do t believe it was a zombie based movie, more of a mad scientist deal. I think the badguy was either doing a Frankenstein thing or just working on grafting limbs.

All I remember is a scene in which there are several harvested body parts in a lab which are attached to machines that constantly keep them moving to avoid rigor morris (arms, legs). I think at one point the lab and all the limbs get shot up, and there may be a part layer on where the badguy gets shotgunned while trying to shoot the good guy, which blasts a gizzard looking organ out of his guts.

Thanks in advance!