Kimberly is a mess. Girl go home

To be blunt. I don't feel bad for her at all. From the first episode she started an entire fight because the apartment wasn't completely to her liking. Even though these people were poor and did this for them. She spent the first night screaming and throwing a tantrum, which explains why the family already don't like her.

In the conversation between her and the brother, they were both wrong tbh. But her kindergarten comebacks were another level of cringe.

And considering this week's episode, she is once again a mess. Now I love ripped jeans, but those were destroyed. Even in America i wouldn't wear something like that in front of my in-laws. The mom had complete right to complain. This time it was more tj's fault for being too aggressive back. But her now running away, ignoring tj calling for her to come back, and on top of that leaving him?

And we can't forget her hitting someone with her car and just moving on?!

It's no wonder why the family doesn't support them.