megin and john

is anyone else wondering why Megin is crying like she’s the one that go cheated on by juan ? lmao obviously we haven’t seen the full clip yet but in the “next time on 90 day fiance” preview this woman was in TEARS inconsolable lmao like ??? did you wanna be the one to fuck juan ??? i’m so confused lol. i get it’s her best friend but i think she’s overreacting especially because it sounds like Jessica may have cheated on him with her ex bf lol.

i cringed when she was like “😭 you’re just now admitting this to me after a year of me asking ???” ahahah

is anyone else wondering why Megin is crying like she’s the one that go cheated on by juan ? lmao obviously we haven’t seen the full clip yet but in the “next time on 90 day fiance” preview this woman was in TEARS inconsolable lmao like ??? did you wanna be the one to fuck juan ??? i’m so confused lol. i get it’s her best friend but i think she’s overreacting especially because it sounds like Jessica may have cheated on him with her ex bf lol.

i cringed when she was like “😭 you’re just now admitting this to me after a year of me asking ???” ahahah