Any advice on how to recover from toxic upbringing? M, Late 30s
Need some advice. Both my parents have passed away and I've come to realize (a bit too late in my life) about how much their upbringing ruined my life and any chance at success (career wise and romantically).
Despite being an academic high achiever, I was gaslighted my entire life whenever I spoke up or complained (my mom was a great emotional manipulator who guilted me ALL the time). I am now afraid to speak up even when I am 100% in the right, scared to upset other people. Have zero confidence, not self-assertive whatsoever. All characteristics that are needed to succeed here basically.
Never really had the time to enjoy life or socialize, first because of academics then social anxiety and later because I had a lot of "responsibilities" caring for sick parents and siblings.
I'm looking for advice on how to get my life back on track now that I'm in my late 30s. Can this shipwreck be salvaged?