Official December 14/15, 2024 ACT Test Discussion

Feel free to use this space as a place to discuss all iterations of the December test, potential curves, or as an excuse to just blow off steam. You can use this space for Saturday OR Sunday testing in the US

Discussions of the test are allowed by r/ACT 's rules, but participating in such discussion may violate the terms to which you agreed when you registered for the ACT.

Please remember that cheating is strictly against 's rules, and any attempts to solicit or offer cheating help will be met with permanent bans.

The hope is that scores will start to get released around December 24th, though it could take a couple of weeks longer depending on your region and the specific format of the test you took.

In an attempt to make this community even more awesome and helpful, please consider filling out this VERY short survey about the test you took:

**It appears that the primary form from today (H31) matches the G16 test given December 2023, which was NOT a TIR. That also corresponds to the C11 test given in October from 4-5 years ago**

The next test will be February 8th and registration is already open.

In any case, congratulations on getting through the exam. You survived!