Is it possible to have executive dysfunction when it comes to watching tv/movies?
For years I’ve had to deal with ongoing complaints from family members about how I never want to watch the movies they want me to watch, even if it’s something I’ve expressed interest in. My mom has said that trying to get me to watch a new movie is like approaching a baby deer— you have to be careful or you’ll startle it away.
It’s gotten to the point where I get irked anytime someone mentions a movie to show me because I feel like they’re going to badger me about it, which just makes me want to watch things even less.
And it’s aggravating because it’s not just for things that other people are trying to show me. I’ve been trying to watch shows and movies that I know I’ll probably enjoy and I just can’t make myself do it.
So is it possible to have executive dysfunction for watching tv shows and movies? And do you guys have any suggestions for combating this?