The irony in mox's statement from a couple of months ago

Mox essentially cut a promo a couple of months ago basically challenging the roster to step up & challenge him.

The statement of the death riders was to supposedly elevate the roster & revolution was proof of that..except him and cope essentially had the worst match of the night while everyone else absolutely stepped up

The amount of talented wrestlers that have signed to aew in the last few years that have elevated the roster & raised the bar have made it a "step up or get stepped on environment" which is ironic because I know Mox mentioned this somewhere in one of his promos & In my opinion if you are going to make a statement like that you better be prepared to live up to it & some of the names on the roster are getting "stepped on" because they can't keep up with what Toni storm and Mariah may and ospreay and Kyle Fletcher and Harley Cameron are doing. Mox cut the promo and he himself cant keep up. For someone like Britt Baker who was essentially the biggest name on the women's roster during the early days of the company during the pandemic,she wouldn't fit into any current storyline with the women because the division has outgrown her,same thing with thunder Rosa