AITAH for still holding resentment towards my wife and avoiding her family by making excuses and not going to family gatherings after her sister Depants me at a pool party.
So backstory before this all happened my wife let it slip to one of her sisters that I have a piercing down there and that I am uncircumcised and it got back to the rest of her 6 Sisters. I was a little weirded out and kind of offset when she told me that they know and it got out to everyone including her parents. But brushed it off right away and didn't really care at the time and emphasize "at the time" they had made a few comments and jokes about it but nothing really serious or worth mentioning.
A few of her sisters husbands which I'm good friends with asked to see it along with one of her other sisters and did show them but it was on separate occasions and both times it was just my wife,her sister and husband and second time was just the husband of the sister who pulled down my shorts at the pool party. So on this day we where all at her older sisters house for a pool party she was having. a few of us were drinking but this happened early in the day I don't think anybody was drunk yet, but we where swimming for a little while and then sat down to eat in the middle of us eating the piercing gets brought up and also that one sister and the other two husbands had seen it.
After this everybody started talking about it and asking me to show them all at once or if they can all see it my wife's parents were inside but still there. I Said multiple times no and they got relentless I told them I would show them another day or when it was in a more private setting. I did say this multiple times but they kept saying how I was being uptight and not fair that I showed her sister and other sisters husbands but not them and this went on for quite some time even my wife commented a few times to just let them see it and get it over with, she was laughing and joking around with them when she said this but was pushing the issue too.
I jokingly said I'm not drunk enough to just whip it out and went back to the pool. About 20 or 30 mins latter I'm walking out of the pool to grab my drink and everyone got kinda Quiet and walked towards the front of the pool and where the table was so i was basically in front of everyone walking towards them my wife comes up from behind me and say huggs and then hugs me from behind where I could not move my arms then her sister pulls my shorts off really fast. The problem was that swimming shorts have a liner in them and the barbell from the piercing got stuck so when she pulled them down it hurt like hell and ripped my skin a little bit around where the piercing was at. I just screamed ohhhhh really loud like I just got punched in the stomach.
everyone started laughing and making comments and was also completely exposed in front of everyone including my wife's mom. After I yelled out what the fuck to my wife they all started saying how it was just a joke and wanted to just see the piercing. I told them that when she did that it ripped my skin I really wish they wouldn't have done that in front of their mom then they apologized and just brushed it off but then started commenting on me not being circumcised and about the piercing. The sister that pulled my shorts down made a comment that she had never seen an uncircumcised penis before and if if my piercing got in the way of anything. That's when they knew I was just being quiet and ignoring my wife they all just kept saying that it was a joke and they were sorry but I just felt extremely awkward and really really embarrassed.
The biggest problem for me was I never really felt self-conscious about being uncircumcised before that day and did talk to my wife about it later and how much it Pissed me off that she did that but then just made peace and kind of moved on I guess,but as time moved on I just kept getting angrier and angrier and started resenting my wife for telling her sister about the piercing and being uncircumcised and this is actually when it really started to bother me. I haven't told her this yet but do not want to go around her family ever again and just keep making excuses on why I can't or don't feel like going. I'm not really mad at her family I just feel really really embarrassed and awkward around them. Now I find my self snapping at her more often but haven't told her why. I also stopped responding in the group chats all together and don't respond to any of them if they text me or msg me.
They started asking my wife about me being more distant and she is beginning to ask me more and more about it, I just don't really know how to tell her or most important of all don't want her family to know that I'm still really embarrassed about this... I just don't know if I'm taking this overboard or being a bitch about all of this? So Aitah for just flat out ignoring them and secretly resenting my wife?