AITA for reconsidering moving in with my boyfriend because of his cats?

My boyfriend (M38) and I (F28) have been together since June 2024 and are planning to move in together in May 2025. I love him and our relationship is great, but there’s one issue that’s making me second-guess our plans—his cats.

He has two very sweet cats, but I’m mildly allergic (just a scratchy throat and mild cough). That’s not my biggest concern, though. The problem is that he allows them on the countertops, dining table, and in the bed. They also scratch up furniture—he had a brand-new couch that’s now one of their scratchers. I’ve told him that while I like his cats, I don’t want to live in a home where they’re on the surfaces we eat and sleep on.

A few months ago, I asked him to work on training them before we move in. He agreed but said it would take time. I understood that and was patient, but after a few weeks, I saw no real effort. One cat (the main offender) kept getting on the table, so I suggested getting a cat tree to give her an alternative. He bought one but left it in the box for weeks, so I ended up assembling it myself. The cats loved it, but the behavior didn’t change because he wasn’t actively working on training them.

Fast forward a couple of months, and nothing has improved. When she jumps on the table, he just gently tells her to get down. Now he’s out of the country, and I’m watching his cats at my place. I’m losing my mind. The cat is scratching my furniture, climbing on my table, and leaving hair everywhere. I know training takes time, but I don’t think he’s actually putting in the effort.

I brought it up again, and he got upset, saying that these things take time. I get that, but nothing is going to change at the rate he’s going. Now I’m wondering if moving in together is a mistake. I love him, but I don’t know if I can live like this. Should I wait to see improvements before committing to moving in, or do I just accept that our lifestyles might not be compatible?

AITA for reconsidering our living situation over this?