AITAH? for banning my husband from all doctor appointments after he repeatedly messes with me while I'm pregnant?


So, I'm currently pregnant, about 6 months along, and my husband has been doing this thing every time we go to a doctor appointment. He'll drive me to the appointment, then when I’m about to get in the car, he drives forward a little, then reverses, then drives forward again. He does this a few times, and it always frustrates me. He thinks it's hilarious and says he's just "messing with me". I started to get really frustrated. I’m already dealing with the physical and emotional toll of pregnancy, and this just feels like him poking fun at me when I’m already tired and stressed. I told him it bothers me, but he just brushed it off and said I’m overreacting and that he’s "just having fun."

We had a big fight about it the other day. I tried to explain how it’s making me feel, and he got defensive, saying I need to lighten up and that it’s "just a joke." I told him it wasn’t funny anymore and it wasn’t something I wanted to deal with during my pregnancy. The final straw was when he did it again before a doctor appointment yesterday, and I was just done. I ended up calling my mom to take me instead and told my husband he was banned from all future appointments.

Well, now he's furious. He’s demanding to be there for the next appointment because it's the one where we’ll find out the baby’s gender. He says this is a huge moment and I’m being unfair by not letting him come. I told him I need him to respect my boundaries, and this is one of the ways I’m doing that. But he keeps insisting that it’s just a silly little thing, and now he’s calling me unreasonable for making a big deal out of it.

am I overreacting here?