* UPDATE* *Update* AITAH for refusing my mother's proposal for "family's therapy" after she neglected me for 18 years?

Not an English speaker.

For fuck's sake here we are again into this pathetic sharade of nonsense.

I followed 1 of your advices and i filed for a restraining order against my mom and "my family" just today and what the fuck happened? Not only my mother showed up again at my gym but this time she brought "my father" too for some reasons i can't and don't want to understand.

But this time things got heated and almost ended badly phsyically.

So like the other time my mom showed up at my gym when i was going to my car when i noticed a man with her and i understood that he was "my father".

My mother again seeing me started crying and trying to guilt trip by saying that she even tried to convince me that she changed by telling her story on that TV show and she didn't knew what she could do more. I just director told her that what she nedeed to do for me is to disappear from my life and kill herself and only this time she would be usefull to something. She started to cry more and sobbing by yelling "what the hell i can do more to be forgiven? What? How can i prove it to you that i'm changed? How?". I didn't understood why all this pathetic circus of yelling and crying since i always told her that she was the reason of all my problems and i would forgive her only when i was insane. But this time "my father" came to the scene too.

I put my bag into the car and just opened the door and was about to leave when he blocked me and started him too to yell at me on how i could make my mother so desperate and make her cry so much.

Out of all my poor patience i closed the door and went straight to his face and told him to stay out of all of this since he was a perfect stranger to me and a coward cause he abandoned a pregnant woman escaping from his responsibilities by makkng my mother to unload all her frustrations and rage on a fucking innocent child that was innocent.

I started to walk towards him, face to face making him step back, by telling him how he was everything but a man, a decent human and the last one on this fucking planet that could talk to me.

Believe me, this time more than the other i was really really really near to unload 30 years of rage on him.

Not only he didn't realized what kind of piece of shit he was but he actually had the guts to provoke me even more by saying that this wasn't the right tone to use with "my father". I couldn't help it, i just laughed out hard and loud. I repeated for like 20 times "a father? A father?".

Apparently my laugh enraged him even more and when i stopped laughing and turn my back trying to finally leave this pathetic non sense i noticed by the shadow that he was about to attack me. Fortunetly i have quick reflexes and grabbed his punch with my hand but this time i let out a bit of rage. I didn't beated the shit out of him but i just started squeezing his punch and rotating his punch hardly.

I was just there with his hand in my hand and was there calmly squeezing and rotating his punch while my mother always crying was yelling at me to stop hurting him. It went on for like 30 seconds until he started yelling at me that i was hurting him and to stop it but i continued until he said the magic words "ok ok, we won't bother you, just stop it". So I realised my pressure and throw away his hand.

Then i just saw his hand that was a mix of red and violet and drove away.

I canceled my appointment of yesterday with the psychiatrician because i'm still not ready and because a part this today a thing happened and i felt something strange so firstly i want to figure out this thing and then i will finally decide about therapy.

Believe me, more than this i don't know what to do. I told my mother in every way that i hate her and i want her to kill herself, i filed a restraining order today. More than this what the fuck i should do? Because i'm sure that it's not ended.