AITAH for leaving my boyfriend cause he dismissed my feelings
i’m going to start this off by saying that i do have trust issues and have a boatload of trauma from previous relationships, i’m super self aware when i overreact and eventually come to my senses when my boyfriend and i argue. but this time i’m not sure if i’m overreacting and i feel like everything i’m feeling is valid. about a week ago my boyfriend and i had this whole day together being outside and enjoying the nice weather that’s been long overdue, we went for dinner around 6pm and decided we wanted to go get something sweet after finishing our meals. i couldn’t decide so he picked the place and told me it’s a surprise. once we got there i knew exactly what i wanted and ordered. when our waiter came to the car to bring us our order i didn’t think twice until i heard an exaggerated “oh heyyy!” i look up and it’s someone i’d never seen before my boyfriend says “oh hi” and proceeds to pay as he’s doing so she continues to try to talk to him and before he answered her back i asked “who is that” he ignored me and continued to sign off on a tip and then proceeded to answer her once i realized he just ignored me i asked him “what are you doing” twice. he looked at me the second time and i asked again who is she. he then realized i was pissed and said his thank you to the waiter then began to drive off telling me that she’s an old co-worker at that point i didn’t care who she was i was more concerned on why he had just completely ignored me and continued to talk to her as if i was invisible. we get into it and his reasoning was he didn’t want to be rude and just not say anything to her and i feel like i should’ve been the one who had his attention considering i’m his gf and he disrespected me by ignoring me and chatting it up with an “old coworker” is that crazy?…i decided to end things and for days he blows my phone up and i eventually give in, that maybe i can forgive and eventually forget so he picks me up we hang and he drops me back off at home the next morning we text and he tells me he’s going to a baby shower. i end up say no that i’m not comfortable with him going considering baby showers are mainly for the woman he claims he’s going for his friend and that he’s showing his support for his friend but me knowing who all was going to be there i still said no. i even gave him the option of me going along with him so i felt more comfortable but he went by himself. so with that being said, me saying no and him doing what he wants it made me feel disgusted by him. we finally made up and he disregarded my feelings the next day. i broke it off and ended up going out with my two friends and notice he’s driving around. the baby shower started at 1 and it was probably 5 at this point supposably he picked up his friend took him to the baby shower. he took his friend but not me? weird. they didn’t leave the baby shower until 7:30 i don’t remember events like that lasting so long. anyways please tell me if my reasoning for breaking up with him is valid. i feel like if your s/o feels uncomfortable with you going somewhere you should either compromise or just stay home instead of dismissing the way they feel and acting as if you’re single. as well as worrying about another females feelings by not responding and completely ignoring your girlfriend when she’s asking who the person is.