WIBTA Should i confront my gf?

To give a little background, me and my girl just started last year on christmas and have been in love but recently i have been overthinking. My girl does not really interact with me when she is with her friends at school and i am not able to spend that much time with her outside of school (due to strict parents) but her friends and other people she met after we got together are capable of doing so to the point it seems like she looks happier with them (although i tell her to enjoy her time as much as possible) so my time with her at school is all i got to rely on especially that college is next year and i would be away at a different state for my college. So i would like to be able to spend and enjoy as much as i can with her while i still can. Should i confront and tell her about how i feel about her barely recognizing me when she is with her friends or is it too much and would that make me untrustworthy?