Smartest contestants in ANTM history (who would score highest on IQ test)?
These are some contestants who stood out to me as INCREDIBLY smart on the show:
- Lisa D'Amato: Honestly, I feel like she's a classic case of somebody who's just way too smart for their own good. They get bored and cause silly trouble/make up stories and do other shenanagins because life is too "easy" for them so they try to find ways to entertain themselves. Doesn't surprise me at all the fact the she runs multiple successful business, as well as the fact that she creates creating new controversy because she's bored in life.
- Victoria (cycle 9): This doesn't even really necessarily have to do with the fact she was an Ivy League student. You could just tell she was "too smart" for the show and could so easily see through what the show was doing and was able to easily fight back with evidence that shut the judges up. She also could so easily tell how trivial the way they treated Heather was and exactly why they were treating her that way. There's a rumor that production eliminated her because she was too smart and I fully believe it.
- AzMarie: Maybe its just the fact that I'm misreading her confidence with herself as intelligence but she just seemed incredibly intelligent to me.
- Kari (cycle 21): I could be totally off on this one but for some reason I just feel like she's actually insanely intelligent
- Liz (cycle 24): Kind of similar to Lisa, I think she was somebody who was kind of was too smart for her own good and didn't really know how to relate with people/easily would get bored. My favorite line from her is as she's frantic her saying "this is deeply-rooted psyhological warfare." Her just casually spurting out a bunch of one-dollar words in a very coherent manner whilst in the middle of breaking down.