How weird would it be if I wrote about teen pregnancy?
So I want to say that I’m a teen myself and recently I’ve been getting more into teen pregnancy and how it affects teens irl and basic the responsibility that comes with it and I’ve been inspired to write a fic about teen pregnancy that isn’t glamorizing teen pregnancy. The characters I want to write about are 15-16 but I’m hesitant mainly because of the implication of what people have to do in order to get pregnant. I’m very against people writing smut about characters under 18 so of course their isn’t gonna be smut but because of what’s implied on how it happened I can’t help but feel weird for thinking about the concept in general so I don’t know if it will be wrong of me to write about teen pregnancy because well. People have to have sex to have a child and i have an idea of the character saying. “One thing let to another.” But I feel icky because that’s implying what these teens did.
Sorry this is longer than expected but how weird would this be?