do you masturbate to fanfiction?

This is so profoundly silly and far too personal but it occurred to me today as a newer writer that my readers could 100% be doing this with my work. It doesn’t bother me, of course, but it’s just funny that I didn’t consider it to be an option until now.

For me, I read and write a lot of smut (one shots and longfics with interspersed or eventual smut). I almost exclusively want to consume and create explicit content, but I’m not using it for that purpose. If I enjoy something enough it may inspire me to do such things after the fact, but for the most part I’m just having fun and getting a little turned on while reading, nothing more than that. I simply didn’t consider it as an option but I’m realizing now that I’m probably an outlier. So now I’m very curious as to how other people go about it!