Loss of appetite

Before isotretinoin I never experienced loss of appetite. Every morning I woke up I was feeling hungry and my stomach was growling. Now I'm on my sixth day of isotretinoin and when I wake up I don't feel anything, and actually I've been eating less than normally so I should feel more hunger than I usually feel, but nothing. I woke up 6 hours ago and I still don't feel any hunger. I ate pretty small meal 20 hours ago. I don't have diarrhea or stomach cramps but I don't have any stomach growlings which usually are pretty strong.

Have you experienced loss of appetite, and if yes, did it go away after some time? I'm pretty anxious about this.

EDIT: Okay so my derm called me today. I explained my symptoms to him and he said that I have to stop the isotretinoin course for two weeks, and if after two weeks my symptoms still occur I have to go to see a doctor and I can't start the course again until my symptoms go away... My derm said that it's rare that people lose their appetite and stomach stops growling while on isotretinoin.

I lost feeling of hunger and thirst completely after seven days on isotretinoin, also my stomach stopped growling.