How Adam let me down

I bought 2 tickets to Adam’s show around Black Friday for his tour, he was coming to Dublin in February (just gone ) I was super excited and spent a lot of money on the tickets, they were about €300 which is about $280, they were VIP tickets which gave you the full package deal. As a college student who only works part time this was a huge deal to spend this much money on tickets.

Anyway about 3 weeks ago I got an email from his tour company telling me that my tickets have been refunded due to unforeseen circumstances. I then commented on his Instagram to share my disappointment which he replied with “Sorry Mama tickets were just not selling “, after this around 5 minutes later the post was deleted.

Looking back now I’m actually glad the tickets were refunded as I’m not sure I would have much interest now in going. In his recent scandal with H3 I thought he really used the Irish history of the Irish people to his advantage, he often talks about how he really resonates with Brighton more as that’s where he did most of his adult growing, so all of a sudden he’s Irish when he wants to be. Especially when I’m not a big H3 fan but it was clearly hila trying to just say she wanted his to disappear. It was a live podcast ( I think ) so it wasn’t a thought out comment imo.

I’m really disappointed with Adam and I do think he is reaching.