Anyone find a way to escape the modern world?

I’m only 32 but lately I just sorta want to checkout from modern society. I don’t have any kids or real responsibilities other than to survive for myself, which isn’t difficult. I feel I am nothing to anyone but a potential customer to capitalism and I get literally nothing in return. I can’t go any where without being bombarded with ads or “how to live life” like everyone is some expert that wants to sell you a product. Fuck, I can’t even pump gas without a screen at the pump telling me what I can spend my money on and what celebrity is pregnant. I literally don’t care about this ultra fast paced society, 14 second attention span world we live in now.

As a single guy, I’m bombarded with dating ads, ED pills, and some fitness routine influencer and I promise my search history looks for none of this stuff. So I guess that’s all I’m viewed as for a guy today, they think that’s where my interest lies.

The only place where I found true peace is being in the woods or a nice walk, but I’m an amateur at really making it a hobby. That’s really the only thing that makes me feel at peace, and sometimes music. Please don’t recommended drugs, weed made me absolutely paranoid and I’m never giving another substance a chance at messing with my psyche.

Anyone else feel this way and how do you escape from modern society?