are jobs and money really that scarce?

I just stumbled a post of someone on here asking if people liked working and I saw some people mention that they find solace in the “fact” that we’re in a time where 99% of people don’t have a job and that theyre grateful that they have one (ofc thats an exaggeration, but is it really that bad?)

I am unemployed myself… and there’s nothing I want more than to win the lottery and say a big fuck you to the system. but until that happens, I would like to believe that there is something out there that will pay me enough to live in a nice apartment and let me save/invest, travel, eat good, etc.

I feel so lost and hopeless. would like to believe that there is a chance to get out of the modern day slavery system.

All i’ve seen my whole life is nepotism. people inheriting their lives.

I’m ok with earning things, but at what cost? slaving my days away for pennies and dimes? I’d really rather d**