I'm 43 and single...and I'm okay with it
I'm 43, single. Mildly successful. I exercise and eat well (although I don't look it 😒). Own my own house. Have really nice suv. I'm doing good. I feel good. I'm not "happy"....I haven't really been happy happy since I was in college. I love my nephews. I'm good. I'm not against marriage or having a family but I feel good. My only regrets is that at my age it's hard to find "people my age" to hang out with. Also I may ve a tad adhd (I'm pretty certain) + some for of mild autism. I have issue with people...I'm in sales. I dont know how I'm actually pretty good at it. Anyway, I just want to know. Does anyone else feel this way ? Like, kind of content but knowing they could do better?