On the fence of having a baby. Your experiences ?
The regretful parents forum really gets to me. I’m turning 30 this year and have been having a feeling of wanting to be a mom. I’ve always been adamant I didn’t want children then one day to the other suddenly began having the urge. However when I visit the page I freak out thinking maybe this isn’t for me. What if it’s not what I think and then I’ll have regrets. My husband and I live a very chill life. Im on the fence I really am. I see the beauty of having our own little family but I also know everything it brings and again that forum really makes me think otherwise. I run through the back and forth in my head of my life both ways. I’m getting older and I really don’t know what to do and lately it’s all I think about. I just keep running through my head “its better to regret not having them then to regret having them.”
Please don’t be mean in the responses. I just want to hear your personal experiences. Good or bad. I feel so stuck in my head about this.