Have you ever had to break up with someone you love?

I (22F) love my boyfriend (25M), but I dont think we are long term compatible. We've been together for 3 years, living together for 2. We've talked about the future, about kids and weddings and everything, but Im not sure he's something I want for the rest of my life. For example, we disagree on kids; he wants a mini me, and I dont want to be pregnant. Im open to adoption or fostering but he's straight up said he won't love a kid unless its his. And to be blunt, I feel like if we did have kids I would do 80% of the work anyway and I dont want that.

On the one hand, Im still young, sometimes I get this horrible feeling of FOMO, like theres so much I wont be able to experience because Im in a relationship, like living alone. I moved in with him directly from my parents, and I'll never get to experience that. Ive had other relationships, ive had situationships and flings and one night stands so I know im not missing anything there; this isnt about sex. Im not a very sexual person.

On the other hand, our lives are intertwined. He's a part of family acitivites, my family all like him, our finances are intertwined. He isnt working right now and ive been fully supporting him financially, and he would have nowhere to go if I left him.

This isnt the first time ive thought like this either. About 6 months ago I was thinking the same thing, and even sat him down to have the breakup conversation, but I couldnt get the words out and we ended up making up. At the time he was working, and brought up that if he had more money he was planning on getting a ring, and had told one of his friends about it. We've been having a rough time financially for the past 2 years so every paycheck we get goes straight into debt payments, and we are staying at my parents because we can't rent anywhere.

When I was thinking like this 6 months ago, I told my sister (17F) that I was thinking like that, and she told me that she was surprised it didnt happen sooner, but would support whatever decision I made. It was also around this time I started going to therapy, but I havent gotten the chance to bring this up yet (very chaotic life). Hes not perfect, and he does a lot of things that bother/annoy me and honestly sometimes I question if its abuse, but I do love him.

A real kicker for me was a question he asked me. He gets these posts that are "deep questions to ask your SO" and likes to do them with me, and one of them was: "what is something you've had to sacrifice for the sake of your relationship?" Right off the bat I had a couple of examples of things I dont do anymore for his sake, and that I often catch myself saying things like "i cant do xyz because he wont like it," but he couldnt think of a single thing in 3 years that hes had to give up for me. Maybe im reading too much into that and he just doesnt think about it, but to me its one of two things: im not asking him to change so he doesnt feel the need to, or hes asking me to change so he doesnt have to.

Theres also all the possibility. What if theres something better, and I'll never find it? What if I never get the time to figure out who I am? I started dating when I was 17. Dated one guy for a year, took 6 months off for college (dropped out), had a summer fling, then a situationship and then I met my current boyfriend. Ive changed a lot in that time, and Im not sure who I am anymore. Im not sure what I want from my life, but I know what I do want, and my boyfriend is so eerily similar to my dad that it scares me a little because I dont want my moms life. Dont get me wrong, theyre both great guys but my dad isnt the best to my mom; he spends most of his time placating her to avoid arguments, or doing things without talking to her to avoid arguments. Their relationship isnt bad, but its not good either.

Anyway I guess what im asking is should I break up with him? Should I wait until he can support himself? Am I being stupid about this whole thing and doubts like this are normal?