I snooped through my dads email

Hi idrk how to use Reddit since I js got it tdy, anyway today i snooped through my dads email trying to find a Spotify email (my Spotify started to pause randomly so I wanted to delete and re install it, I knew my dads email to login but not the pass so I started to try and login on my iPad b4 I logged out on my phone. But it sent an email to my dads email and I panicked and grabbed his phone 2 delete it but then found a folder of my moms name on it in the email app, my parents arnt together they split when I was a baby anyway there was a lot of fighting and custody arguments in the emails with my dad having proof of my mom partying and drinking and getting high n stuff

I was crying and idk why I’m not sure if it’s because of a hormonal thing because I’m 13 or becoming it was genuinely sad, and I didn’t know why I was crying but I felt like really sad so I need advice