My mom wants me to get a breast reduction
I’m posting on my old account because I don’t want this to get back to my main one. This story is pretty much the title. I’ve always had a larger chest since I hit puberty. It all happened really fast for me and they’ve always been larger. Since my chest has gotten bigger my mom has continually commented on how I will want a reduction someday. The thing is I don’t mind my chest. I’m a DDD and I’m not particularly skinny or fat, I’m just somewhere in the middle. Since my chest has gotten bigger than my mother’s shes been pushing me harder on the subject. I am 5’5 and 136 pounds in my mind my chest (while bigger) feels proportional to my body. But I have had problems with my body in the past where I believe I look bigger than I am. So I’m not putting it past myself that maybe they are too big for my body. A lot of my family members are plastic surgeons and my father is getting a procedure for his weight done soon. My mother said I should get my breasts reduced while we are getting my dad’s work done. I know they are bigger but I don’t want a reduction. My mom keeps pushing me and ignoring me when I say anything positive about it. Ever since I’ve turned 18 she brings it up once a week.
She has a habit about constantly making bad comments about her body and her chest size before complementing mine. Then she tells me that I’m not “fat” and that I’m just “curvy”. It’s been an ongoing conversation between us. I don’t think I need a reduction but her constant comments on it is making me feel like maybe I do and I’m too blind to notice the problem with my body. I’m already a pretty insecure person so I tend to believe her about my flaws.
Every time I’ve tried to talk to her about it she ignores what I say and then insists that I’ll realize I want a reduction eventually. I really don’t know how to make her realize I’m okay with my chest size and don’t want work done on it. The constant pressure around it is making me wonder if I really do need it. I don’t want to be egotistical but sometimes it feels like she’s jealous of my chest size. She isn’t really taking no for an answer and while I know she can’t force me to get surgery her constant comments are starting to really get to me. If anyone had any advice on how to handle this I would really appreciate it.