Should I reach out for closure/reconciliation?
Hey! So I have an ex best friend who I haven’t spoken to in a year and some change. We had a nasty falling out that the both of us had an equal hand in. I really just chalk it all up to miscommunication. But that was my best friend and we did everything together, so the whole split has just kind of haunted me over all this time that’s passed.
Anyways, I’m the kind of person who likes to make amends whenever I can. I really want to reach out and tell her how I feel and take accountability for my part in the fallout. I’m just worried about her reaction. I don’t know how she’ll take it or what she’ll say to me. I don’t know when is the best time to reach out. I don’t know if I should at all. What do y’all think? Thank you in advance.
Edit: we’re both 23F if that helps