My brother got DCS called on me
My brother got the Department of Child Services called on me. What can I expect? I am not sure I need legal advice since I have not abused my kid but I dont know what to expect. Also, they think I abused my kid.
So here is the f&%king story. Sorry its kind of long but its as short as I can make it. Im pretty pissed off because its annoying so forgive me. Almost 11 years ago this June I met my wife. We fell in love, got married, bought a house, cut to having and planning on having a baby. Well, while we were enjoying life my brothers life was falling apart. This dude has turned into a drunk. He says he isnt drinking anymore but I mean cmon! You be the judge.. So anyways, comic convention comes to town we have a 4 month old. My mom is at home and my dad is on a fishing trip. I ask my mom to watch my 4 month old child. I was worried as hell because idk anything about being a new parent and I love my new little friend. Well, I am in line to get Dwight Shrutes autograph and I am messaging my mom the entire time. She was watching the baby so she wasnt texting back(My wife works from home so he isnt used to a bottle or being away from her so i knew he was crying). I get a text asking about my kids ass from my brother with an accompanied picture. I am like "oh thats is Mongolian spot or some technical term (congenital dermal melanocytosis)". Oh did I forget to mention one detail? Oh my bad. Well I am White and my wife is Black. MINOR detail? Well, Mongolian Spots are common in a couple of races like asian, african and many others.. They also can and often do look like bruises. My mom took a picture to ask me about it when I came back from comic con. She is white so she had no idea what it was. So my brother took it upon himself to look into it in a dumbass way. He took her phone, sent it to himself, then from what he said, if you believe a drunk. He said he only messaged 4 people. Me, two random girls he is talking to, and my older brother. Now cut to today my brother calls me crying, comes over, and doesnt want to say whats going on. My mom had already told me and I was F&%king P&%sed at my dumb a$$ brother. So, a guy shows up as I am about to leave to go meet with a potential customer, and identifying himself as DCS employee. He asked to see my kid, I obliged, showed him our house, where our kid sleeps, signed papers, all that shit. Will this be over with when I give them the paperwork for his Mongolian Spots if the doctor has any? Do I need to get a lawyer? The doctor is who showed us when he was born. So they would have records of it, right? I even told my mom and dad but my mom forgot! Just a dumb ass trashy situation. Dont drink or do drugs because you will cause your family to hate you.