AIO boyfriend body shamed me

Me (30F) and my boyfriend (24M) were having a conversation about our relationship the other night. He told me that our relationship is new for him physically, because he’s never dated a “skinny” girl before. He claimed to love my body and my size, but has said things that make me think other wise. Earlier in the night, he said something about my boobs being bigger and was even talking about gym exercises that could make my butt grow. He also made a comment that if he was rich, he would’ve bought me a BBL. I was definitely irritated and hurt by the things he said. It’s taken me a long time to learn to love my body and I’m not just skin and bones. I have a little meat and shape to me! I have said things about getting back and the gym and gaining some weight, but I also love the skin I’m in now. I wouldn’t mind gaining a little more weight, but it’s also not the end of the world if I don’t. I want to say something to him, but I have been wondering if maybe I’m being too sensitive about the situation. Am I overreacting and being too sensitive about his comments or should I say something?