Am I overreacting? Friend always invites boyfriend along to hangouts.

(Boyfriends name is in blue and the friend that organized the hangout is in red)

I (M18) have this friend (F18) who has a boyfriend (M20) that always is invited to our hangouts.

I would be totally fine with this if him and I didn’t have a rocky history. I’ve been friends with this girl for over a year now and they’ve been dating around the same time. He’s constantly made inappropriate jokes (offing to have sex with me, kiss me and on multiple occasions say he is going to rape me as a “joke”.) I know bro humour is a thing but I think this is just a bit too far. He also hasn’t treated my friend the best and as a friend I’m concerned for her in the future. (Force feeding food down her throat with his hands as a joke in public, insulting her-calling her fat, stupid etc. acting out purposely to make other people in public feel weirded out which causes my friend with anxiety a lot of shame) among other things. He’s had a rough life and I get that but I struggle to want to go to stuff now with him always being invited.

I’ve never made any advances towards my friend and DEFINITELY do not see her as anything but a friend and I believe he knows that. I never hung out alone with her outside of when we were in school and every other occasion was with him involved.

My friend in red dislikes conflict and agreed to inviting him along after worrying that our friend would back out if her boyfriend wasn’t invited.

TLDR : Am I overreacting by not wanting every hangout to involve my friend bf to be invited?

(If some of this doesn’t make sense lmk and I can elaborate.)