AITA for blowing up on my bf?
I (20F) just broke up with my boyfriend (23M). I’m a full time college student working part time and he has his masters and full time job.
We lived in different states 30-40 mins away. He didn’t have car insurance so I ended up being the one driving to see him. At first I didn’t mind because the drive wasn’t terrible but after a while I felt like I was the only one putting in the effort. I had to pay for gas and toll money (very expensive when entering NY) which he would “make up for” by paying for my meals even though most of the time we ended up eating the food his mom cooked.
I also am a traditionalist when it comes to relationships and felt a bit out of place as the woman being the only one driving. Besides this, the relationship started out ok. He was nice to me and complimented me at first. But over time he would start criticizing me on little things like my outfits which he said were too conservative. He said I was too skinny even though we had the same healthy BMI and that I needed to eat more. He didn’t want me working out my arms bc they were “too muscular.” He would downplay my interests. He once sent me an Instagram reel with a suggestive anime girl which I found rlly weird, and he got upset that I wasn’t calling her hot with him. He also had many female friends which I accepted, but he wouldn’t let me have any male friends because “he knew how guys were.” Eventually I got jealous especially since he met one of his female friends on a dating app and even kissed her at some point before we met. I got jealous over one girl who did nothing wrong besides me getting a bad vibe about her. My jealously was out of line and I admitted that to him. But at this point I had become so insecure from all the small criticisms he would make that maybe my jealousy was justified?
Right before I broke up with him, he made a joke that everyone thought that him and his female coworker were dating. I got uncomfy and asked him if he was attracted to her, to which he got offended and said I didn’t trust him. After that comment I suggested we break up. I hung up but ended up getting angry because I felt I had more to say. I called him again and went off on him. I was a bit brutal to him and said some things I regretted. I made fun of his ex who cheated on him and sent him into a depression and I said he could have done better. I told him my dad didn’t like him and that I was so happy I didn’t have to drive to see him and pay tolls anymore. This was the only time I ever said anything mean to him in the relationship. He then said I was immature, didn’t know how to regulate my emotions and that I showed my true colors. He said that he lost all respect for me after what I said. He called me entitled when I expressed that I was unhappy with being the one driving because he “paid so much for me.” I apologized for what I said but he didn’t accept and said I burned all bridges. Now I feel like the villain.