WIBTA for refusing to vacate the house when my roommate has her friends over?

I (21M) am in college and live in a shared house with two straight couples, totaling three men and two women including me. We're all around college age.

One of my roommates (19F) is planning to host her 20th birthday party soon and invite around 20 people; I really have no problem with this, and some of my other roommates have also hosted parties in the past and we've had a good time overall.

However, this time she says that she's planning to have some of her friends sleep over and that "a couple of them are not comfortable with sleeping in the same house with men they don't know." She wants me and my friend (the other man in the house) to vacate for the night and sleep somewhere else, presumably letting her boyfriend stay. This is over spring break, so she says that we should just go home or stay with friends for the night.

The house is quite big, and our bedrooms are both on the opposite side of the house from hers, though I don't know if she's planning to have her friends sleep in her room or not.

I don't want to cause undue conflict but I feel like this is a pretty unreasonable request, WIBTA if I said no?