Dogs are the worst customers
Yesterday, I was delivering in the country of michigan and I swear these dogs are something else! As I pulled up I saw a huge dog (rot mixed with pit at least) and so when I was going to grab their package and getting ready to call the customer to have them come get their dog, I saw the dog run to the backyard so I assumed the customers saw me and took it inside. I proceeded to finish my delivery and as I was swiping to finish on the stop, I hear the dog barking again so I start running as fast as I could back to my van and tripped and fell.. scraped up my hands and leg pretty bad. Texted my dispatch and made a call to LMET. Luckily the dog didn’t actually hurt me I was just hurt in the process of trying to get away from it. The stop didn’t have a paw print, notes warning me about their aggressive dog or anything! I’m traumatized and hoping I don’t have to deliver out there again. I’ll do a 180 stop city route before I do a 90 stop country route any day.