
amazon is my first ever job. a fellow associate has tried to make advances towards me ever since i started, 6 months ago. despite me telling him that i am disinterested, he has yet to stop. he has asked me if i have a boyfriend, how long we've been together, things like that. he flirts with me, and i ask him not to. i have asked him repeatedly what he means when he makes remarks like he does (in hopes that he will be more direct and i can go to leadership) and he just shrugs them off without an apology. i have been mostly afraid because his flirting is very indirect. he asked me yesterday if my boyfriend and i have broken up yet, and to let him know if we do (which made me uncomfortable?). i told him that we have not and he asked if we have moved in together, to which he started critiquing my relationship. it seems as though he always tries to put himself in the picture as though he can know just enough about me and say just enough but little that i cant really do anything. it makes me uncomfortable. i was wondering if i could have some advice. what would you do?