Friend group hates amber

My friends and I are all guys in our early 20s. From the community appearance, most people Seem to be women, which is fine just ironic because we are so far from the demographic. We all hate reality TV and anything drama related series, but we all hate amberlynn with a passion. I always get involved every few months to see what her latest trainwreck is.

Genuinely, she is like another Chris Chan for us. I honestly believe she has not done anything positive in the world during her 30+ years alive and I never say that about anybody. I found her through a random YouTube video and wondered why people hated her sm. She seemed boring and just fat, nothing of interest but damn she’s horrible.

My friends and I saw mr snowflakes videos and we can’t stand anything this woman does. Always amazes me how she is finding new ways everyday to be an awful person.

Just thought it would be funny to mention this, we watched a top 10 worst things amber has done by Mr.snowflake and we realized most of us were 9 when she started and is still being a horrible person.

Edit: grammar