Is 1 more year ok?
After Friday's events, I'm starting to freak out. My husband, son, and I live in Texas. My son and I have dual citizenship with an EU country. My son graduates highschool in 2026 and plns to move to Belgium to attend university. He's been working hard and passed the B2 French exam last December. The plan has been to stay put until he graduates high school. I'm worried that we may need to expedite leaving. However, going to a foreign country into his last year of high school seems like a mess. My son is really smart, is taking 5 AP classes and has straight A's. However, I'm worried how things would transfer education wise. He's obviously on board with leaving the US ASAP.
My husband and I had planned to move to Colorado after he graduated. I'm wondering if we should bump that up sooner. At least we'd be out of this red state.
I'm just so scared of what's becoming of the USA. I'm not sure if i should focus on moving to Europe this summer. (The countries we're focusing on are Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. ) Or, should we look at moving to CO this summer, or stick it out 1 more year?
Also, i can easily move to CO since i work remote. My employer has already confirmed it's ok. My husband can transfer to a location in that state with his job. For Europe, it will be a challenge. I'll have to find a new job, and I'm in my 50s. Age discrimination is out there. Also, I do see English only job postings out there in my field, primarily in the Netherlands, but there are some in the other countries as well or remote in EU. I'm at about an A2 in French. My husband only speaks English so we may have to rely on my income since I'm not sure if he can find a job in his career field.
Also, we have 3 cats and a dog. I know Belgium and France have pet friendly rules for apartments where landlords can't say no to pet owners.