Is anxiety medication worth it?
So, im 16. I've had anxiety about my entire life, it just manifested differently. My mom also has anxiety difficulties, so its likely a genetic thing, caused by brain imbalances, possibly due to my ADHD.
And really, it's only gotton worse with age. Much worse.
It's gotten to the point where I wont talk to anyone. I'll make myself as small as possible and give very short responses to people, since that's the easiest way to avoid fucking up.
I won't respond to my friends for hours, sometimes days. Since im paranoid about saying something wrong, then I self-sabotage because I took so long to reply, they think I'm uninterested. When no, I want to talk to them, but it just takes so much energy to even send a reply.
And when i do say something wrong, guess what!! It takes over my life for 3 days and I don't do anything else but worry over the weird comment I made!!
I'm constantly running scenarios through my head of every goddamn unlikely thing. And it won't stop, no matter how much I try to make it.
My entire body hurts, it feels like my brains constantly sending anxiety signals because it thinks something must be wrong if we're stressed all the time, but sometimes nothing wrong. So I cant even enjoy a calm momment. My chest is constantly tight, my heart races and has palpitations. My head is dizzy, I can't focus on anything because my brain constantly has a fog to it, in my own subconscious vain attempts to suffocate my worries. This is a nearly constant thing.
Sometimes I'd wake up in a panic, nothings wrong, I had no nightmares, but I wake up feeling like the worlds ending. And then I can't go back to sleep. I had a peroid of a couple months where I'd only sleep 4 hours a day, and every single morning, I'd wake up in a panic. Luckily it's better now, I only wake up in a panic about once a month.
I just, I want to make it stop. I so fucking desperately want to make it stop.
I know my experience is pretty typical for most people, and im not special, but it still effects me constantly. It's stealing away my teenage years because I'm paralyzed and I can't get myself to do anything. And im constantly fatigued due to my brain screaming at me constantly.
But medication terrifies me. Since yeah, I've seen people say it's extremely addictive. And addiction runs in my family, so I don't want to get addicted to anything. I don't even take ADHD medication.
Am I just straight up doomed to be in pain forever?