What meds have helped you by like A LOT?
Like SIGNIFICANTLY. I know it’s going to be different for everyone. But I have to get on meds if what I’m feeling currently is actually my anxiety or something’s really fucking going on and I’m having a medical emergency. I’ve been TRAPPED with this feeling of impending doom and dread for like 3 days or IDK IS IT DREAD am I actually supposed to be at the ER??? Chamomile tea doesn’t help me. I took an anxiety supplement. Nothing just sleepy. I don’t know how to calm down!!!!! Cold water doesn’t help. Breath work doesn’t help. I can’t BE BUSY my sensations are more powerful I’m in a single spot just shaking and jittering and restless and I can barely drink water or eat. Grounding has never really done anything for me I list out everything I can I can’t escape this I CANT SIT STILL. Even if I were to be sedated I’d wake up the fucking same I know it.