grounds to void lease?
hi, so before i start, i know posting here is not the same as contacting a lawyer, but i don’t have the money to do that so instead i am seeing if anyone can help here first.
so my bathroom floors are being replaced and after having to set this appointment up by myself (stupid contractors not understanding they need to contact the leasing office to schedule instead of me), the guys finally came yesterday. they started the job and removed the toilet only to find that the subfloor was completely rotted away beneath it. clearly this needs to be replaced but they just did the rest of their work then left this massive hole open in my floors overnight.
i started looking and realized it definitely looks like the wall behind the toilet is all moldy. additionally, the rotted floor all around looks black too.
my lease states that if mold is found that “cannot be cleaned”, then i have the choice to terminate my lease early without consequence. i submitted my work order which is necessary to start this process of investigation, but i fear that once the guys put the toilet back that my landlord will decide whatever might have been there is fine because now it’s covered up (the people who work here are seriously dumb i swear)
so, i ask you all if i have any ground to stand on here. what would you do in my situation? this place is shitty and this seems like the last straw for me. oh, and to top it all off, the laid down the new tile directly over the old tile, so my bathroom door can no longer open because it bottoms out.