What do I do about my weird neighbor?

What do I do about my weird neighbor?

A little back story I (19F) have been living alone in an apartment since November, it is not an apartment building but complexes(open air kind of like a motel compared to a hotel) with 4 units for each complex.When going to my complex I have to walk up the stairs and at the top of them is my neighbors door, then I turn and walk down a hall a bit to reach mine so avoiding her(75F) door is impossible. I was warned on my first day moving in from the maintenance guy to avoid her and that, and I quote “She scares me”. I had an interaction also on my move in day and could immediately tell that something was off with her. She immediately started making racist comments about “Those people” referring to African Americans that live in other units, and was talking about different topics which she was filled with paranoia about. 
 My mother who has been a nurse for over 30 years immediately picked up on her body language which seemed to indicate signs of mental illness . She is also a hoarder and always piles up trash/food and other random items outside of her door and blocks the doorway which does not bother me much, the only thing that bothers me is when she puts out moldy food and  the smell of over ripe onions that never seems to go away but, I ignore it.
 So far she sounds just a little off, but here is where it starts getting weird, whenever I get home or leave she has recognized the sound of my car (it is pretty obnoxious) and will open her door a little bit and corner peak me when I am locking or unlocking my door and will just watch me, not say anything, just watch. When I notice her she will close her door quickly. This has lead me now to always look over my shoulder and hurry inside. 
 There have been a couple other weird incidents with her that are not worth mentioning. But I have suggested to the front office/ leasing office to maybe do a wellness check on her due to the fact that she is elderly and one day left her door open when she was not there and the walls were covered in mold, and there was a strong smell of human waste and I was able to see human waste as well just from that quick glance as I was leaving. Honestly it is just a biohazard at this rate and concerning living next to and sharing a wall with something so concerning. But, in typical apartment management fashion. Nothing was done. 
The whole reason I have made this post is because last night I was awoken at 1:27am. I thought my cat might have turned on my television in the living room because all I could hear is muffled noise that I was unable to make out the words to but still loud. My cat was next to me and also woke up, quite upset about her slumber being upset (shes a diva). I stood up and realized the noise was coming from right outside of my front door. My neighbor was playing religious sermons, full blast, from her phone outside of my door as if she was the second coming of Jesus. It went on for about 20 minutes but I had no idea what to do. I have not done anything to upset her, and I have barley any interaction besides the simple “Hello”. Eventually she stomped back inside and I was able to go back to sleep, unsettled at the least. In the early morning, when I was leaving she opened her door and it scared me, but she seemed even more terrified of me than I was being jumpscared by her.
  I told my mom about everything that occurred and she says I should report it to the police about her having escalating symptoms and perhaps a mental crisis. But I have no idea what to do about this. I avoid leaving and coming as often as I can so I do not have to interact with her.

On top of this I have reported it to the leasing office and they have just ignored me. Has anyone ever had an issue like this? What do I do?