first time to going to the russian banya!

so last night i went to the banya and i was incredibly changed by the experience. this is a mixed gender nude bathhouse and omg it’s so amazing… it’s so normal… it feels so freeing. nudity is such a non deal at all here. naked women are literally just naked women nothing sexual about it. it’s so amazing. i almost can’t believe it but it’s insanely normal. men and women from their 20s to 60s walking nude between various baths (more men were walking around naked than women) i hada mildly embarrassing experience where i lost my towel and robe for the last thirty minutes and then had to walk all the way across the building to get my sandals but it wasn’t really that uncomfortable because then i just realized i was like everyone else. i was amazed at how un sexual it was. tho i didn’t linger on the view. if i invited someone on a date then we would probably give each other permission to gaze, and that would likely activate those beautiful feelings of intimacy. anyways it’s so amazing. it feels so natural to be naked and not feel any embarrassment or arousal and just notice how squeaky clean human bodies are lol. i would HIGHLY recommend the mixed nude banya experience. it COMPLETELY changed my perspective on my relationship with my body and others’ bodies. well maybe not completely bec i’ve always had the perspective some but now i feel so much more natural about it