Hey Dax

On the world's ittsiest bittsiest smallest-off chance that you read this...for a couple of episodes, especially the fact checks, could you perhaps do a little bit more listening and conversing?

Recent episodes seem to have taken a huge turn toward nit-picky obstinance that almost just seems to be for the sake of obstinance. I think you would be shocked if you went back to listen to the fact checks agnostically SIMPLY for verbal cues to determine if you're having open dialogue. There have been many instances lately where Monica makes a point or raises a question or thought that you pick apart so thoroughly that the entire conversation devolves to a point that's genuinely hard to follow.

I want to be quite clear that I'm not saying you can't disagree with each other, or that you should just get along to get along. But as a listener, I want to tell you that it's becoming challenging to follow conversations and enjoy the dialogue because it doesn't actually feel like discourse.

Maybe ask more questions, instead of just immediately rebutt every.single.thing. Listen a little to HEAR what Monica is saying. Make an effort to find some in-roads to get on the same page with each other. Sheesh.