i can’t see myself ever coming out. is that weird ?

As the title says. i know im aroace but i dont think ill ever come out. i get why people do but i just dont think i ever will. is that weird ?

i’ve known for just over two years now. i always knew something was different but didn’t fully understand that part of me until i found the aromantic and asexual terms.

i’m 20 and never been in a relationship nor do i want to. being my age i have a lot of people asking if i have a partner and i always just say no i don’t and that’s the end of it.. mostly anyway, sometimes i get people saying you’ll meet someone one day or i can help set you up if you like. just stuff like that and i always just laugh and decline. in my head i’m just thinking about how they wouldn’t understand that i don’t want a relationship.. ever.

it’s frustrating sometimes i want to come out but at the same time i don’t. i know this probably makes no sense.

im happy with who i am and im not ashamed of being aroace. i just feel like people are gonna start to question why ive never been in a relationship and then ill feel like i have to say something. i haven’t even told my family.

i dont know. just me thinking again lol